
Console cable for SRW2048

lost the original console cable to the Cisco Linksys SRW2048 and was wondering if I can use the Cisco console cable or can a regular serial cable with female ends will work?
A cisco console cable probably won't work since they usually have RJ-45 on one end.  However, a regular serial cable should work just fine, as long as your computer has one as well, or you have a USB to serial adapter.

The settings for the console port are as follows:
Bits per second: 38,400
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None

Once you open the connection you'll have to hit enter once to make anything display.

You can also acces the console of this switch through telnet, by connecting to the switches IP with a telnet client and use admin as the username with a blank password.

I got most of this info from the admin guide, which is available here:

