
Configuring an FTP Huawei S3300

Configure SwitchB LS-S3328TP-EI-24S-AC .
# Configure an IP address for SwitchB.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchB
[SwitchB] vlan 100
[SwitchB-vlan100] quit
[SwitchB] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid pvid vlan 100
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid untagged vlan 100
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
[SwitchB] interface Vlanif 100
[SwitchB-Vlanif100] ip address 24
[SwitchB-Vlanif100] quit
# Configure SwitchB as the FTP server.
[SwitchB] ftp server enable
[SwitchB] aaa
[SwitchB-aaa] local-user user1 password cipher hello123
[SwitchB-aaa] local-user user1 privilege level 15
[SwitchB-aaa] local-user user1 service-type ftp
[SwitchB-aaa] local-user user1 ftp-directory flash:/
[SwitchB-aaa] quit
Step 2 Configure SwitchA.
# Configure an IP address for SwitchA.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchA
[SwitchA] vlan 100
[SwitchA] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[SwitchA-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid pvid vlan 100
[SwitchA-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid untagged vlan 100
[SwitchA-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
[SwitchA] interface Vlanif 100
[SwitchA-Vlanif100] ip address 24
[SwitchA-Vlanif100] quit
# Create an NQA FTP test on SwitchA and create a file of 10 KB for uploading.
[SwitchA] nqa test-instance admin ftp
[SwitchA-nqa-admin-ftp] test-type ftp
[SwitchA-nqa-admin-ftp] destination-address ipv4
[SwitchA-nqa-admin-ftp] source-address ipv4
[SwitchA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-operation put
[SwitchA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-username user1
[SwitchA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-password hello123
[SwitchA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-filesize 10
Step 3 Start the test instance.
[SwitchA-nqa-admin-ftp] start now
Check the configuration.
# Check NQA test results on SwitchA.
[SwitchA-nqa-admin-ftp] display nqa results test-instance admin ftp
NQA entry(admin, ftp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is ftp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:1 ResponseProbe:1
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
MessageBodyOctetsSum: 10240 Stats errors number: 0
Operation timeout number: 0 System busy operation number:0
Drop operation number:0 Disconnect operation number: 0
CtrlConnTime Min/Max/Average: 657/657/657
DataConnTime Min/Max/Average: 500/500/500
SumTime Min/Max/Average: 1157/1157/1157
Average RTT:656
Lost packet ratio:0 %
# On SwitchB, you can view that a file named nqa-ftp-test.txt is added. Part of the file on the
SwitchB is displayed.
<SwitchB  LS-S3352P-EI-AC > dir
Directory of flash:/
0 -rw- 331 Jul 06 2007 18:34:34 private-data.txt
1 -rw- 10,240 Jul 06 2007 18:37:06 nqa-ftp-test.txt

2,540 KB total (1,536 KB free)

