

Am using the SLM 2048 as my core S2700-18TP-EI-AC switch in a small environment,for distribution switch I have ESW520, SRW2048,catalyst 2960 and another SLM2048.
Each of the distribution switches has a single link to the core.

Prior to deployment I configured a management IP address on the distribution switches but I did not on the core switch.Now I find it difficult to connect to the web page and assign a management ip on the core switch
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

Just out of interest, are these the End of sale  SLM2048 Linksys branded switches or the replacement new technology cisco branded switch with part number SLM2048T-NA   ?

You have to be able to get to the management interface.  The smart switch has only a GUI interface with a default IP qaddress assigned, if you don't alter the default address.

I would suggest you grab to quickstart guide for you product, which is freely downloadable.

The quickstart guide for the newer product, SLM2048T-NA says;

In order to access the switch with a web-based interface, you must know the management IP address of the switch. The default configuration of the switch is to use its factory default IP address of until it has obtained an IP address from a DHCP server, or it has been changed to a static IP address.
When the switch is using the factory default IP address, its System LED flashes continuously.

for this newe switch, you have to place a PC in that network  and access the GUI or find out of the switch received a IP address via DHCP.  You may find that you may have to, if possible , reduce the network complexity and switch connections and try to access the switch GUI maybe afterhours.

If it's under warranty, S2700-26TP-EI-AC you can try http://www.cisco.com/go/sbsc to see if there is a problem with the management interface.

